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Sunday 14 June 2015

Two more rebel commanders surrender in Balochistan.

Two more rebel commanders surrender in Balochistan

Two more rebel commanders surrender in Balochistan

KHUZDAR: PML-N leader Sanaullah Zehri on Sunday called on Baluchistan youth not to fall prey to anti-Pakistan propaganda by certain anti-country elements.
Addressing a news conference in Khuzdar today, he said Balochistan youth are being incited to work against Pakistan in the name of independence.
This he said as two rebel commanders surrendered along with their fifty-seven companions.
Ubaidullah alias Babrak, one of the surrendered commanders, said he will live as a peaceful citizen.
He condemned the killing of twenty laborers in Khuzdar, saying anti-Pakistan elements are pushing Balochistan  youth into the darkness in the name of independence.
Another BLA commander, Din Jan alias Miran said he is abandoning so-called war and wants to join mainstream.
This comes a day after two key commanders belonging to banned Baluchistan militant outfits laid down arms in Quetta along with scores of fighters. - 

Report by: SAMAA News

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